Hear from Connecticut Education Commissioner Miguel Cardona and others on the impact that the Neag School makes
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U.S. News & World Report releases Best Education School Rankings
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Alumni Annie MacLachlan and Jillian Bucciero share their experiences
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Neag in the Media
Psychology Today (Sandra Chafouleas launches new blog)
WNPR (Alan Marcus interviewed at 19:42)
Making Math Learning Environments Meaningful and Respectful for Students
Stemify Podcast (Megan Staples interviewed)
Students of Storrs, Episode 11 (AUDIO)
UCTV Sports (Doug Glanville interviewed)
会计专业名词词汇大全中英文对照 - 豆丁网:2021-6-3 · 会计专业名词词汇大全中英文对照
Upcoming Events
White Fragility Book Discussion12:00pm
【重要教程】如何使用加速器:2021-1-4 · 加速器是针对“开幕伒式”“颁奖伒式”等带视频播放的附加服务,解决了预览时播放视频卡顿的问题,下载加速包之后能够非常流畅的播放视频。Tips:年会大师系统支持windows,加速器会有版本更新,请务必确认下载的是最新版本。一、如何使用加速器
Monday, August 3rd, 2024
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
WebExThe New York Times best-selling book exploring the counterproductive reactions white people have when their assumptions about race are challenged, and how these reactions maintain racial inequality. Participants will discuss the ideas presented in the book, reflect on how white people can build capacity on race, and begin to develop skills engage more constructively in the on-going work towards racial justice.
This is a weekly discussion series on Mondays from 12pm-1pm beginning June 29 through August 10, with the exception of July 6. There are a limited amount of spaces and e-books will be available on a first come, first served basis. Please confirm that you are able to commit to the full series prior to filling out the registration form.
Registration can be found at http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WhiteFragilitySummer20
Registration deadline is June 19th.Contact Information: Kathy Fischer at kathy.fischer@uconn.edu
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Uyi Osunde's Capstone Defense9:00am
Uyi Osunde's Capstone Defense
Monday, August 10th, 2024
09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
zoom meetingUyi Osunde will defend his capstone associated with the EDD program.Contact Information: jennie.weiner@uconn.edu
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White Fragility Book Discussion立马加速器
White Fragility Book Discussion
宇宙微波背景辐射:创世的第一缕曙光_网易订阅:2021-2-25 · 出品:科普中国 制作:中科院物理所科学传播协会 监制:中国科学院计算机网络信息中心 (图片来源:ifa.hawaii.edu) 创世的第一缕曙光 神说:要有光。于是创世38万年后,终于有了光。 1964年,贝尔实验室的工程师 Arno ...
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
WebExThe New York Times best-selling book exploring the counterproductive reactions white people have when their assumptions about race are challenged, and how these reactions maintain racial inequality. Participants will discuss the ideas presented in the book, reflect on how white people can build capacity on race, and begin to develop skills engage more constructively in the on-going work towards racial justice.
This is a weekly discussion series on Mondays from 12pm-1pm beginning June 29 through August 10, with the exception of July 6. There are a limited amount of spaces and e-books will be available on a first come, first served basis. Please confirm that you are able to commit to the full series prior to filling out the registration form.
Registration can be found at http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WhiteFragilitySummer20
Registration deadline is June 19th.Contact Information: Kathy Fischer at kathy.fischer@uconn.edu
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Equity And Inclusive Teaching In Distance Learning: A Practical Overview12:30pm
Equity And Inclusive Teaching In Distance Learning: A Practical Overview
2021政府工作报告双语全文[3] - China Daily:2021-3-18 · 3月5日,李克强总理《政府工作报告》双语全文。 三、2021年重点工作 III. The major areas of work for 2021 今年是全面建成小康社会决胜阶段的开局之年,也是推进结构性改革的攻坚之年。
12:30 PM - 01:45 PM
OnlineWhat are Teaching Talks?
Join us for an hour of your day to connect with your colleagues. These sessions serve as a springboard for discussions around a topic related to teaching and learning but really give you the chance to share the success and challenges you are facing in our new teaching reality. Each session has a topical theme but is shaped by the participants’ discussion, needs, and interests.
The thematic focus for this particular session is designing online activities and assessments that are inclusive.
Proposed Objectives:
• Discuss multi-modal activities and assessments for inclusivity
• Discuss simple things you can do and why they’re a good idea
• Review common pitfalls
• Share what’s on your mind
Wednesday, August 12, 12:30-1:45
Register - http://fins.uconn.edu/secure_inst/workshops/workshop_view.php?ser=1644Contact Information: stacey.valliere@uconn.edu
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Using Student Response Systems In Synchronous Class Sessions10:00am
Using Student Response Systems In Synchronous Class Sessions
Thursday, August 13th, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
OnlineThe use of Student Response Systems or “clickers” is a proven way to engage students and let instructors know what students are thinking. We will demonstrate how to use iClicker Cloud as well as a brief introduction to Poll Everywhere. iClicker is paid for by the student where Poll Everywhere is free for the instructor for up to 40 responses. If you need more than that then the department must pay for a license which is $349 for six months. Poll Everywhere is not integrated in HuskyCT. The training will cover the following:
• How to install/run the iClicker software
• How to setup a Polling Session
• How to run a Polling Session
• How to link your Polling Sessions to HuskyCT
• How to sync your roster and scores into HuskyCT
• How to setup clicker Registration for your students in HuskyCT
• Brief overview Poll Everywhere
Thursday, August 13, 10:00-11:30
Register at - http://fins.uconn.edu/secure_inst/workshops/workshop_view.php?ser=1626Contact Information: edtech@uconn.edu
The Neag School of Education stands out as a major contributor to instructional and research excellence at the University of Connecticut, one of the nation’s leading public higher education institutions.
With academic departments dedicated to educational leadership, educational psychology, and curriculum and instruction, the Neag School also offers a five-year integrated bachelor’s/master’s program in teacher education and a one-year, post-baccalaureate teacher education program in critical shortage areas.
According to 2021 U.S. News & World Report rankings, the Neag School ranks among the top 20 public graduate schools of education in the nation and has two specialty programs ranked in the top 25 nationally: Special Education and Elementary Teacher Education. Check out the most recent Neag School Fact Sheet or 免费正版龙舟正版图片图片-免费正版龙舟正版图片图片素材 ...:阿里云为大家提供海量免费正版龙舟正版图片正版图片,如果您需要免费正版龙舟正版图片图片素材可众来阿里云正版图片搜索免费正版龙舟正版图片,查找和免费正版龙舟正版图片相关的图片素材;阿里云图片素材库中所有免费正版龙舟正版图片图片均为正版图片,开通VIP后可免费下载免费正版 ....
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Neag School of Education
249 Glenbrook Road, Unit 3064
Charles B. Gentry Building
Storrs, CT 06269-3064